
SITA unveils eVisa and ETA solutions to improve travel experience

SITA unveils eVisa and ETA solutions to improve travel experience

Digital travel authorisation methods improve cross-border mobility 

 SITA has announced the launch of SITA eVisa and SITA Electronic Travel Authorisation to meet the rapidly growing demand from governments for digital visa systems to stimulate national economies after the pandemic, as well as strengthening security and improving the travel experience.

Governments globally are migrating to digital travel authorisation solutions, such as electronic visas and Electronic Travel Authorisations (ETAs). 

According to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), traditional visas – applications made via a consulate or embassy – decreased from 77% in 2008 to 53% in 2018. 

The advantages of digital authorisation solutions include improved security, reduced administrative burden, easier travel and increased visitor flows, promoting spending that benefits local economies and creates employment.

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The mobile capability of SITA’s new eVisa and ETA capability allows travellers to complete applications and provide their biometric information using their personal devices before they travel. 

For travellers, this is simpler, more convenient, and less time-consuming than applying for more complex traditional or on-arrival visas. 

The mobile app also creates ICAO-compliant Digital Travel Credentials (DTCs) – a development in digital identity for travel that may replace physical passports in the future.


Commenting on the announcement, SITA at Borders head Jeremy Springall said: “Adopting eVisa and ETA supports national prosperity. We’ve productised our proven and robust travel authorisation systems to benefit more nations around the world as they shift to digitalise and future-proof their borders. 

"The solutions help countries to cope with growing passenger volumes, improve security and efficiency, and deliver a more seamless travel experience that travellers demand, removing the complexities of applying for traditional visas.”

“The adaptability of these two solutions means that they are fully interoperable with existing border control and airline systems. And, they comply with international standards and best practices.”

For more information, visit 

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